“The hybrid of the first -person shooter and Diablo” – several years ago, such a phrase did not cause proper confidence for quite objective reasons. Endless shooting, diluted by the collection of “expls” and “Luta”, is clearly not what we buy at the action today. The diligent Borderlands, the developers managed to bring to the camp of the public’s favorite thanks to a memorable picture, thereby noisy shootings (sometimes they knew how to become funny) and the variety of “guns”. But what about the second part?Onespin-Casino.co.uk/
Drawn wasteland 2.0
The developers went according to a scheme long worked out for such cases: to do everything the same, only more, more diverse and bolder. Some fans of the shooters did not tolerate Borderlands because of its very superficial attitude to the plot. Received a portion of information before the task, took weapons more powerful – and go. The tasks were mainly primitive. Walking through the deserts, we shot incomprehensible animals that crawled out of the holes, and with barely hidden indifference rode in local bugges, whose behavior physics was realized at a very mediocre level.
The team of developers, see, took too close to heart the main claim to the original game – an inanimate world in which it is difficult to even entertain itself. We were oathly assured that each NPC would now selflessly imitate violent activity near the direct places of their habitat. If we take the tasks from such guys, then we communicate with them for a long time, find out the secrets of the game world, ask personal questions and get interesting answers to them. Ideally, everything should work like that, and this was promised by the creators. Depths and variability Fallout Of course, you should not expect, but we are not averse to chatting in a shooter. If only it was not tiring and boring.
According to the plot, five years have passed since the end of the first Borderlands. The main villain handsome Jack (such a typical jockey -like character with a false face) was headed by Hyperion Corporation, who began to spread her dictatorship in the vast expanses of Pandora. Shelter seekers from now on are the persons of non grata. Jack announces a new four lucky ones, and the characters from the first part will meet us as useful NPCs.
Another moment is a weapon. Yes, one of the main features of the original was the generator of the selected “guns”. That is, if you put two individuals for two different computers with the installed game, then as they pass through them, two identical “trunks” may not get caught. However, from this approach to generating the content of joy there was little. The weapon shot almost the same, the sensations from the fir were somewhat lubricated.
In the sequel, “Hirboxes” plan to realize the concept of “weapon manufacturer”. You will cherish some kind of “gun” only because the company that has released it has responsibly approached the implementation of suppression of recoil. You will be indifferent to the other casually assembled automaton (yes!) somewhere to the side after the first released line-for the quality of the little thing will turn out so unsatisfactory that it will not be enough for more.
More and faster
In the class separation of special changes, it is not expected. Four characters (Zer0, Akston, Salvador and Maya) clearly distribute responsibilities among themselves. The girl heals and arranges sabotage. Akston pulls more on a soldier, and Salvador – on a full -fledged “tank”. A little more interesting in this company seems to be grains. Universal fighter, even if there is some kind of cyber-ninja. With your special desire, it can be a secretive assassin, a sniper and even a nearby master. In general, from any local character, to create a talented multi-diver-here is all attention to the flexible tree of skills. Developers boast of that in Borderlands 2 each character will have to 30 percent more skills than the last time it was.
The fifth is not superfluousIN Borderlands 2, Apparently, the fifth grade will be added. In addition to loved ones, another bonus “pepper” will appear – Mehromancer. More precisely, this is her. Girl with D374-TP robot as the main assistant. Only in the release version you will not find the fifth grade. It will be added to a large addon a few months after the start of sales. By the way, those impatient users who will issue pre -orders will receive DLC completely free.
And many new sensations in shootings will provide updated artificial intelligence. Yes, yes, the enemies began to behave smarter, they did not climb without special need for open fire, they can treat themselves with the help of improvised means and pieces of iron.
Everything is in order, by the way, with trips on wheeled vehicles. Shootings, chases, bloody showdowns with collisions on the audience – there will be. As well as a little variability in the passage of individual missions. Say, chopped off or chop off your head, shoot from the shotgun point blank or remove from afar. But be sure, Gearbox you are not going to provide a difficult moral choice. After all Borderlands 2 – This is primarily a “fan” game.
Sequel as he is. More, faster, stronger, more diverse. Taking into account all the shortcomings of the original and personal requirements of fans. If Borderlands 2 It will be just better than your predecessor – already good. And we are waiting for more.