Monsters vs. Aliens: review

While the animated film “Monsters Against Aliens” convinces to join modern animation, shining with posters and advertising in cinemas, the shelves traditionally await its buyer. The same name.

It was like this: a meteorite fell on the girl Susan right on the wedding day. And not simple, but special – with the substance “quantonium”. She was not fond of chemistry and therefore did not pay attention to special, but went to wash the dirty dress. Well, after a couple of minutes, she began to add in height-a total of ten meters in a total. Federal agents arrived and twisted the poor thing in order to take it to a secret bunker and force it to serve the country if it is.

But she decided not to linger among the four metal walls, but to escape. Taking a speaker jelly named B to accomplices.ABOUT.B, a man-man link and a doctor of a cockroach with the “gate” of a crazy scientist, she began to look for a way out.

Subconscious absurdity

Ten seconds after the beginning of the game, the author “breaks through to laugh”. This laughter is not evil, not mocking, but childishly sincere, because the developers clearly wanted and tried to cheer. Otherwise, how to explain such a scene – a hefty combat robot loaded with rockets is chasing Susan, it shoes in a couple of cars for speed (videos (videos!) and rolls around the halls. And also orchestral music, serious as a Hollywood hero on the roof of a skyscraper under it is shot.

It’s funny, of course, not always, since there are several heroes, and they are all different. Here is the link-although he did not attack anyone in the film, almost all the work on the destruction of the Usmeri robots falls on it-the benefit is a tail and fists. He knows a couple of combo, breaks the boxes in search of the local game currency and periodically solves puzzles: either unscrew the nut, then the rocket with a rocket with a rope. But basically fights and jumps on the platforms.

You can also play for the doctor of the cockroach, but only in the regime of cooperative passage. A crazy scientist is hiding from the public and prefers incognito to water opponents with charges from Blaster. From long shooting, the weapon overheats, and to return it to duty, you need to knock on the “gap” button or pierce the mouse on the rug. The “one passes, the other covers” works quite well, and at the same time does not indulge competition.

The most interesting thing is to play for b.ABOUT.B’A. Since he is liquid and special aggression does not feed on anyone, he relies on the jumps on the platforms and a kind of “stealth” – it will flow to the ceiling, and it is not visible. Or through the lattice will pass. Sometimes, of course, it can shoot, but more and more destroys the generators, closing from the response volle of energy, and swallows opponents. They do not disappear in it and do not dissolve – they hang idle for themselves until they spit out, or the level will not end.

Metal Gear b.O.B

Speaking of levels. Although they follow in accordance with the plot of the cartoon, often in the original scenario only implied. Take at least an escape from the bunker where the monsters are kept – in the tape Susan and the comrades did not rebel at all, and in the game a special episode from many locations was allocated for this. A fight with a huge robot was done differently, and instead of a couple of minutes of viewing, it will take almost an hour – the monsters team will harass Makhin alternately.

Actually, this leisureness of events is the main disadvantage of the game. Yes, there are many levels and some look stunningly beautiful, but how can the enemy almost defeat, the tasks were completed and we are waiting for the sparkling interchange – but no, the initiative takes the initiative.ABOUT.B, then Susan, then again the link, as if the adventure was deliberately stretched.
At the same time, the gameplay does not change: when you see the hero, we already know exactly what we will do the next twenty minutes.

Laaaaasers! Watch Out for LaaaaAasers!

It looks Monsters vs. Aliens like a real interactive cartoon: the characters move smoothly, shine who is scales, some polished metal, and sometimes faces build such things that laughter makes his way. The scenery, by the way, is also animated-in the background something is constantly rotating, stomping menacingly or explodes. Voice acting – on top. Dr. Tarakan, who clearly took several lessons from the doctor, was especially successful from the Austin Powers movie trilogy-now and then it shouts, shouts and seeing some kind of achievement of technology, and it is accepted to make plans to conquer a couple of countries.

Oh, and we told here … You know, there is an opinion that games for children need to be done as for adults, only better. If you stand in front of the shelf in the store and choose between “The theory of matanalysis for preschoolers in a funny game form” And Monsters vs. Aliens, it is better to choose the second. Half an hour a day – funny, cartoon and fun.

P.S. And you also need a normal joystick – control from the keyboard is uncomfortable.

Pros: excellent cartoon graphics;high -quality sound;Fun characters.
Cons: gameplay repeatability;Unknown keyboard management.



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