Windforge: Review

One of the main trends in the modern gaming industry is that everyone likes to make platformers, recalling some hits of past years and in every possible way nostalgic about this. The second most important trend-all just crazy in games about “crafting” and survival in a harsh Sandbox-Mira. Three years ago Studio Re-Logic connected all this in one project and even added elements to this Diablo About the search for a variety of weapons and equipment. It turned out a unique game Terraria. And now the developers from Snowed in Studios They seem to make her banal clone – there is also “crafting”, survival, open peace, jumping on platforms and role -playing elements. However, they added to this a flight simulator on the airship – and it turned out no less unique WindForge!

On Earth, the hero uses a hook with which you can not only climb into hard -to -reach places, but also take control of some enemies.

Whales as a source of energy

Unlike Terraria, V WindForge There is a plot. Its action takes place in the cordus, the strange world of steampunk, where, in addition to all technologies, airships and cars, there are still naturally flying whales in the sky. Moreover, the latter produce oil, which is the main source of energy – it is called oil. People, as usual, were so carried away by the prey of this “black gold” that heavenly whales were on the verge of extinction.

And here local scientists found that representatives of the ancient Aeterkin race used still unknown and extremely exotic energy sources. Further, it is clear without unnecessary words – our hero is sent to explore abandoned temples in search of the necessary knowledge and artifacts. The only problem is that such studies are prohibited by law, and those who want to join the secrets of Aeterkin besides us are enough.

After several starting tasks, we are left to ourselves in the Greater Steampankovsky world, divided into islands hanging in the sky. Between them, as you already understood, we move to the airship. You can go to seek and explore ancient temples or to fulfill side orders – for example, fly for a distant land to see our girlfriend’s uncle and find out how to do that. During the break between free research of the world, it is allowed to return to the capital in order to chat with scientists, buy a new equipment and “pump” the characteristics of the character from the trainers: strength, dexterity, survivability and wisdom.

The world as a source of resources

It is necessary to do all this because in the world WindForge Constantly someone attempts on your life. Some flying basilisks, the same heavenly whales or other mercenaries on the airships attack a balloon. And on the ground where the usual Terraria Platformer, full of dangers – traps, enemies, automatic turrets, spitting magic.

However, the main secret of survival in this world is not “pumping” and not buying weapons (although these are also important elements of mechanics), but the search for resources and “craft”. Like in Terraria, The whole game world, in fact, is one continuous source of various materials and ingredients. Once on the ground, you can pick up a drill and just the same right and left to put trees or turn into a miner and break out the caves, plunging deeper and deeper into the bowels.

In the process, you will automatically select wooden and stone blocks, pieces of earth or sand, find the deposits of precious sapphires and ores. And we also collect some herbs, skins and meat of killed animals and so on. From all this, then you need to make a bunch of different useful things (you should first find or buy the corresponding recipe): potions, equipment, weapons and ammunition for it.

Well, of course, you can build your own house. The only difference is that in the world WindForge All houses fly. This is the main feature of the game – in fact, you make unique airships. Correctly fasten the screws to the walls (so that your ship can fly up and down, left-right), put engines, dashboard, turrets and go to conquer the world. The first, the ship issued to you by default is quite simple. Then you can create a more powerful, fast and protected yourself – it all depends on what material it is made of, how many screws, engines and turrets are installed.

It is no less interesting to explore houses and buildings in cities than fighting in your own broken caves.

WindForge – The game is largely unique and diverse. After all, we have not yet said that they allow a whole park of air ships and even capture other people’s airships here, then to register them in the docks of the capital as their property. Moreover, you can even turn a heavenly whale into your own airship – kill it, and then attach a balloon to the carcass. The game generally appreciates improvisation and involves complete freedom in how to survive and how to solve the tasks.

And surviving is not easy. In addition to enemies, who almost immediately begin to “randomly” attack the still-noted hero, the blood spoils the local government-the character moves too briskly, strives to fall off all the time, constantly gets stuck in surrounding objects.

However, such problems will hardly stop the real heroes of “crafting” and survival that have passed through the crucible Terraria and the like games. WindForge – Another worthy representative of this genre. And you can get used to management.

Pros: complete freedom;diversity of the gameplay;great interesting world;a full -fledged “crafting” system;air battles on the airships;the ability to make your own ship.
Cons: not the most convenient management;quests are still quite primitive.



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