The idea to make online Total War I was in the air for a long time, and partially it was implemented in the network modes of some games of the series. However, the heads of publishing house managers Sega, Naturally, the thought of touching the golden source, from which have already been drank and Age of Empires, And Settlers, and many other famous strategies. This, of course, is about conditionally paid format. So it was born Total War Battles: Kingdom, developed not by some third-party team, but Creative Assembly. The game has already entered the stage of open beta test, with the impressions of which we want to share.
Total, but not the same
We’ll say right away that, despite the name, Total War Battles: Kingdom has little in common with the famous series. There is no global map on which we move the figures of the generals with our armies, capture and rebuild the cities and provinces. Each player is initially given an allotment of land with a castle, and we must develop it in every possible way and first of all erect different useful buildings – barracks, shooting ranges, forges, churches, farms, quarries and so on. In addition, you need to lay roads and bridges, collect resources and even cultivate lands.
That is, this is not just a point on the map, but a large area covered with forests, fields and rivers. Here, of course, we are gaining troops: different archers, spearmen, swordsmen, knights, cavalry, siege tools. And then, with the help of your army, it is necessary to conquer neighboring lands – for this it is enough to defeat the troops of the local Lord. In the yard of the X century, Europe, dark times, and you must gradually restore its former power, expand possessions in order to eventually argue for the throne.
The battles themselves, as in the main series, are held on separate maps of crossed terrain, but this similarities, by and large, are limited. Tactical regime in Kingdom He moved from mobile TW Battles: Shogun, with some additions and improvements.
It looks like this: opposite each other are located in several rows of rivals, you have some time to move them, and then the “units” automatically begin to move forward. The player can only give orders, where and to whom to shoot, whom to attack, whom to provoke for a close battle and what skills what kind of detachment will use. And also, as in some arcade, you need to click on the arrows in time, so that your swordsmen or knights make the perfect (or not so) scam to the enemy.
Slowly – cheaper!
Naturally, the veterans Total War From such “battles”, at first, the hair stands on end. But you can get used to them-even tactics are present in such battles-but getting used to how the authors persistently push the players towards the store is very difficult.
It is clear that, as in all such “free -leaf” strategies, the process of construction, the collection of resources, the treatment of wounded after the battle and the like here take a lot of time. Want faster – pay gold that you can buy for rubles. And in Total War Battles: Kingdom Everything happens not just slowly, but very slowly: some procedures take as much as 12 hours. The experience that your fighters receive after the battle and which goes to “pump” their parameters also accumulates very slowly – give it out with meager portions.
The gold, obtained at the start, ends much earlier. And without it, in duels with other players (this is the only PVP mode) is very difficult. Not only do the “donators” develop faster, so they can also buy special opportunities like fiery arrows for the battle before the battle.
Weather in the house
However, there is practically no content in the game that can only be bought for gold. So, in the early stages, advanced types of “units” with better weapons are really acquired only after paying a certain amount of money. But after your lord reaches 21 levels, you can completely “craft” them in the forges for free.
That is, everything is really affordable. Just those who do not want to pay, spend more time. And time, most importantly, has something to spend on, because Total War Battles: Kingdom – High -quality strategy with interesting ideas.
The first of them is terramorphing. Here it is possible and necessary to change the landscape: raise the ground, make embankments or, conversely, lower to the middle level or to the lowland – otherwise do not build some buildings, do not build bridges and do not lay the roads. Many buildings cannot be placed on the sand. In addition, you can clean land plots, for example, from trees.
Another chip – change of seasons. It is realized not just in the spirit of “here are the trees yellow, but it was snowing”. For example, in the spring there are rivers pouring here. And if you did not erect dams in time and did not fall asleep with a turf, many of your buildings will be flooded. In winter, they will freeze. In the summer, they can generally demolish them, and the river will explode in this place.
IN Kingdom A lot of such interesting nuances. For example, it is necessary to erect houses and slums, to receive ordinary hard workers from them after some time and train more advanced specialists from them. Then the forges where they will work will significantly increase their efficiency. In addition, these employees need to be changed periodically – they get tired.
In the future, the authors promise to interact or fight with thousands of other players and battles with other lords in the fight for the throne. In addition, the campaign mode will appear. In general, if you have time and you like strategies, try Total War Battles: Kingdom It is definitely worth it. And even more so if you have extra money