The reason for the popularity of HD-transformations of old hits, which have recently bred at cosmic speed, seems to be obvious. Fans will see their favorite game in a new, beautiful and modern wrapper and will receive another reason for healing nostalgia, and youth, unfamiliar with the cult of a hit once, will finally make up for the gap without receiving moral injury from the contemplation of ancient graphics. And all, including the authors, it turns out, satisfied. However, an example of the game “Space rangers HD: Revolution” shows that not everyone can be satisfied and not always.
The second part of the cult “space rangers” was released in 2007, and since then such projects, where Arkada, strategy, RPG, text quests and the living world would not be the same success. Therefore, the idea to resurrect a project in HD format was to everyone. Moreover, the authors promised not only to tighten the picture to modern standards, but also to expand the well -known game with new content.
The developers of the original “space rangers”, in particular Dmitry Gusarov, did not participate in the work on the reprint.
Pirates in space
And in general, they fulfilled their promises. “Space rangers HD: Revolution” They are launched on all modern operating systems, support high resolutions and large -format monitors, multi -core, smoothing and so on. In general, the game is really transformed and looks quite pretty.
A lot of innovations in the gameplay. The first and most importantly – in addition to dominators, the coalitions now threaten space pirates. This is a completely new force that has made a lot of changes to the balance. Some time after the start of the passage, they begin to capture the star systems, and the player has a choice – to join the cosmic robbers or remain true.
Accordingly, many new tasks have appeared, including very specific, truly pirate ones-for example, one of them suggests killing a pirate-attendant. Paradise for lovers to play evil characters! Moreover, many quests have an alternative solution: the coalition or plot characters often get in touch with the Pirate Hero, ask him to change his mind and work under the guise under the guise.
In addition, in the HD-interview you can find more than 30 new text quests, which have always made a special highlight, so to speak, a cherry on the cake “Space Rangers”. Here you will find not only traditional “boils” or logical puzzles, but also quizzes, detectives, “taxi driver simulator” and even “fishing simulator”. There are new missions for planetary battles, with different interesting conditions: one of them, for example, offers a limited detachment to quickly capture the enemy base until reinforcements arrived in time.
Well, there are a lot of smaller changes: more asteroids fly in space, new types of goods, weapons and devices have appeared, unique buildings have disappeared, replaced by more adequate analogues.
Space on patches
It seems to be here – happiness! However, immediately after the transfer of the transfer, the forums turned red from the wrath of the players. Firstly, updated “Space Rangers” They did not escape the typical problem of Russian games – the release of an unfinished, overflowing project of the project. Constant flights, buggy planetary battles, incorrectly working trading skill, allowing to earn a huge condition in 10 minutes – this is only the top of the iceberg that crashed in the hope of fans in the very first days after the release. And there, inside, there are spelling errors in the menu and quests, collecting tasks and a lot more ..
Immediately, of course, patches rained down. It is probably possible to straighten them with technical flaws, although after some patches, the departures, on the contrary, began to occur more often. It will be much more difficult to bring the balance to life. The pirates turned out frankly stronger than the coalition – they are better armed and act more aggressive. The coalition allows cosmic filibusters to quickly capture almost all systems. After that, life is practically freezing there, new tasks and even news cease to come from there;there are few of their stations and quests. The authors, of course, tried to oppose something to them-for example, they allowed the players to buy a fairly powerful weapon and devices for the ship at the start. But still it’s hard to cope with the pirates alone with pirates.
New screens at stations sometimes cause bewilderment. Where is the inscriptions in English and these Soviet posters?
In general, a typical situation from the series “They wanted the best – it turned out as always”. Of course, someone has fewer sorties and bugs, someone has more. Someone managed to adapt to a new, specific balance, someone-no. But in general, it is clear that something is wrong with the reprint. It could be better, more stable and more interesting-why, for example, not to come up with something really new in a ground strategy? It remains, as usual, to hope for patches and additions.
Pros: modern graphics;new text quests;Additional side of the conflict in the plot.
Cons: mass of technical flaws;Broken balance.